37 definitions by RENEGATUS DOT COM

The best euphemism there is for "dishwasher". This person is an essential component of the restaurant kitchen but still gets treated like shit.
A: "I spilt all this gravy on the floor and I need 500 plates washing in 10 minutes."

B: "Get the Kitchen Porter to do it."
by RENEGATUS DOT COM December 5, 2004
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"You heard that new Kweli song? Damn, that mang is awesome!"
by RENEGATUS DOT COM August 22, 2005
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Used in place of "o"'s in any word. If a "u" or "w" follows then the "u" or "w" can be excluded.
"Thahwe dahwen't knahwe."
"Hahwe dahwe yahwe dahwe that game?"
by RENEGATUS DOT COM October 18, 2003
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"You 'eard dat Tommy got tree years fo' moidah?"
by RENEGATUS DOT COM October 17, 2003
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1. Added to the end of place names used in the tense when describing of ones origin.
2. Real nerdy computer nerds who do nothing all day but compute (see imageZ).
"He's a Whit Borgian?"
"I'm a Liverborgian."
by RENEGATUS DOT COM October 12, 2003
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A derogatory term for mainstream rap and "hip-hop". Songs in this genre define themselves as truly hip-hop when they are far from it. Rhymes consist mostly of talking about money, hoes and rims - boasting tracks basically, but they fail to pull it off quite as well as the likes of Run DMC due to ALL of their songs being FULL of the same subject. The complete opposite of backpack rap.
"Have you heard 50 Cent? You've heard ice rap."
by RENEGATUS DOT COM August 22, 2005
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1. Used when describing the quality of cannabis, poey being extremely good.
"That is some poey shit man."
by RENEGATUS DOT COM October 9, 2003
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