11 definitions by RATTnroll

The state of forgetting what movie you actually came to watch due to the excessive advertisements, trailers, previews, messages to silence one's cell phone, etc. that occur between the advertised start time of a movie and the time the feature begins. Usually, the state of Previewnesia is experienced right as the feature is (finally!) about to begin and you realize you can't remember what movie you are about to see.
Jim (to his date, Elaine): "Hey babe, do you remember what movie we are about to see? I've got previewnesia"
Elaine: "No I've got previewnesia too, I can't remember. Maybe it's Goonies 2 or Avengers 4?"
by RATTnroll January 18, 2015
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The accidental clicking of an unintended web link due to a frame shift which can occur during the millisecond between the time you actually click something and the time the click is registered by your device.

Generally occurs when you are rapidly trying reach a web link after you thought a page was done loading but really wasn't. The page looks complete and safe to click, and then it does the Ickey Shuffle on you.

Leads to an unintended opening of an incorrect website which can have many dire consequences - including missing out on concert tickets, annoying pop-ups, and quite possibly your wife thinking you clicked on Ashley Madison when you really didn't mean to. It is widely believed possibly by at least one economist that the next global financial crash and recession will be caused by a Stutterclick.

Quite possibly the most annoying thing about a computer since your dialup access to AOL was interrupted by somebody in the house picking up the phone while you were in the "Married and Flirting" chatroom.
(husband, to wife) I swear, I was trying to check my fantasy football score and I stutterclicked!

(husband, to wife) Honey, what the hell happened to our 401K? Our retirement savings is wiped out!
(wife, to husband, sobbing) Oh my god I'm so sorry, I was just trying to get onto Ashley Madison and I stutterclicked!
by RATTnroll November 1, 2016
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Mediocre lowbrow crap that helps you escape boredom and seems more entertaining than it really is because you’re in quarantine due to COVID-19.
by RATTnroll May 16, 2020
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A woman who thinks she is a lot hotter than she actually is and relishes in the (perceived) attention. Constantly scans the environment for guys who she thinks are checking her out (but really aren't). She sneers and glares at them in disapproval, when in reality she basks in the attention she thinks she is getting (but really isn't). Annoying AF. Usually middle-aged women age 30-40's, generally not hideous looking but not that hot. Can often be seen at fitness clubs primping themselves in the mirror and scanning the environment to see who she thinks is checking them out - but really isn't.
"Dude, that wannamilf over there thinks you're checking her out. She looks pissed but keeps looking back at you."
"I wasn't looking at her, I was just looking around for the bathroom - I gotta piss"
by RATTnroll September 12, 2018
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The ability to tell in general how old someone is by their email domain.

President Barack Obama once said that baby boomers "Cling to their guns, religion, and AOL.com email domains" - This references the fact that no one below the age of 50 still uses AOL. The baby boomer generation, like most senior citizens of their time, are known for their frugality. That is to say, they are cheapskates. However none of them seem to be able to figure out that free email accounts are widely available and they don't have to pay for it through AOL anymore.

Gen X'ers often stick to hotmail.com or yahoo.com. They don't want to risk coming off the Pearl Jam or Third Eye Blind mailing lists.

Gen Y'ers stick to gmail.com. As are a few forward thinking Gen X'ers (*those whose hotmail or yahoo accounts got hacked at Y2K)

The millennials are just too fuckin' hip to be defined by their email. They just communicate with each other through twitter...I mean snapchat...oh wait that was so last week, how do I find out if my beard and skullcap are still in?
(Woman, to man at a bar) Hi handsome? Nice beard, spectacle glasses, plaid sportcoat, and tight-fitting jeans with the cuffs rolled up. Can I email you?
(Man) LOL!!
(Woman) Well if you change your mind, I'm lesliesmith@aol.com
(Man) Cougar!
(Woman) OMG he knows my email generation
by RATTnroll November 1, 2016
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A suburban mom who spends 99% of her life on instagram hash tagging the shit out of every fucking thing on her posts, singlehandedly responsible for making hashtags not cool anymore. 100% of a hashtag mom's hashtags actually don't link to a single other thing. Before he died, Stephen Hawking may have predicted that the demise of instagram would come as a result of hashtag moms annoying the fuck out of all the other users. #suburbanmom #whohashtagseverything #inherinstagramposts #tryingtobecool #notcoolitsannoying #annoyingaf #idontgiveashitaboutyourkidshalloweenparty
Dave: OMG what the fuck is with Kayla, she posted on instagram about going to the pumpkin patch with her kids preschool class and she put about 5 lines of hashtags on it. How annoying!
Anthony Weiner: What an annoying hashtag mom. I'm gonna unfollow her as soon as I finish posting these dick pics.
by RATTnroll August 22, 2019
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An act committed by those viewing a sporting event live or on broadcast TV, whereby texts or tweets announce key events (such as scores, turnovers, or big defensive plays) before they happen on live streaming (because streaming is several seconds delayed behind real time or broadcast TV). Thus our broadcast TV friends ruin the sports viewing experience for those of us online by giving away the outcomes before we see them happen.
(Bob, watching the game on his phone): It's 3rd and goal from the 17. Crowd is going wild...
(Jim, via twitter): TOUCHDOWN!!!
(Bob): Aw god damn it, Jim is watching this on TV and streamspoiling this shit for me....
by RATTnroll November 17, 2019
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