11 definitions by RATTnroll

The single greatest drinking game in the history of drinking games. The Decathlon of drinking games.

REQUIRES: 2 teams of 5. 1 pitcher. Beer. 10 quarters.
OBJECT: To get fucked up.

1. Pitcher is filled with beer and placed in the middle of a table between the 2 teams of 5. Teams and players take turns shooting quarters into the pitcher. First team to 5 quarters in wins.

2. Either the winning team selects or the losing team designates an "Anchorman". The losing team must finish the entire pitcher of beer - each player gets one chug, then passes to the next player. The Anchorman goes last, and must finish whatever the 4 other players on his/her team do not drink.
3. "SEND IT BACK": Alternatively, the Anchorman can volunteer to go first - and if the Anchorman chugs the entire pitcher on his/her own, the pitcher is then refilled with beer and is sent back to the other team - who similarly must select/designate an Anchorman and finish the pitcher.
PLAY CONTINUES UNTIL: Everyone is too fucked up to continue or some hot girls arrive and want to play "I never"

Anchorman is the decathlon of drinking games: The game combines quarters skill, chugging ability, tolerance and stamina, and general ballsiness all in one.

Anchorman was the preferred drinking game at Duke University in the early-to-mid 1990's.
Gen Xer: Dude lets play some Anchorman (the drinking game)
Millenial: OK I'll be Ron Burgundy
Gen Xer: No the drinking game not the movie
Millenial: OK we'll drink every time Champ and Brick....
Gen Xer: Forget it, I'll just play by myself - got any Natty Light?
Millenial: Is that a new sour IPA?
(Gen Xer proceeds to kick the Millenial's ass, ties him up with his braided leather belt, then puts on Dave Matthews to chill out...)
by RATTnroll June 14, 2019
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When one swerves accidentally and tries to make the accidental swerve look purposeful to avoid detection for being a bad driver, stoopid, or drunk. A swerpose starts as a little drifting to one side or another, usually on the highway. The driver, realizing that he or she is swerving and looks drunk or high, just goes ahead and changes lanes trying to make it look purposeful, when it really isn't.
Beto O'Rourke, to cop at DUI checkpoint: "I swear officer I just had a snapple and was changing lanes to avoid the oncoming milk truck."
Cop: "you are drunk as shit, that was a swerpose, and there is no milk truck. Got any donuts?"
Ted Cruz, flying by at 110 mph: "I got your donut, it's around my dick mothafucka!"
Cop: "Not again!"
by RATTnroll December 22, 2018
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"How Stella Got Her Groove Back" was a mediocre and very forgettable 1998 movie that was most noteworthy and only remembered today for having a funky title. While there was nothing really about this movie worth remembering, it's silly title lives in as a sportscentery pop-culture reference used to describe a previously good player or team that's been in a slump emerging from that slump. Gen-Xers will cackle with the reference while millennials will shrug their shoulders as it passes over their heads...
(Radio play-by-play baseball commentator) "Santana's at the plate, he's been in a bit of a funk, hasn't had a hit in 5 games. Here comes the pitch across the plate, swung on and (CRACK) belted - it's going long - got the distance - STELLA'S GOT HER GROOVE BACK IT'S A HOME RUN FOR SANTANA!!!!"
by RATTnroll January 10, 2017
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A stupid fucker who brags on social media by posting pics of tickets to games, events, or shows that he/she is going to. This fool posts the tickets with the barcodes clearly visible in the pic, and then acts surprised when he/she shows up at the entrance to the event and finds that somebody copied the barcode from his post and used it to get in while he/she languishes outside.
"Look at this instagram pic - Joe is going to the Steelers game tonight, he posted a pic of his tickets. Stupid Barcode Posting Dipshit! Some hacker will be in his seat!"
by RATTnroll September 12, 2018
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