22 definitions by PopeMichael

On the internets, a downlink is a cross between a link and a download. Downlinks are associated with file sharing and file distribution, generally via zipped 'online storage' sites and other unencrypted distribution methods. This difference in functionality separates downlinks from standard links, downloads and torrents.
Alex: I need you to send me that file, the really big one.

Stephen: Ok Ok Ok; I'll send you a downlink.
by PopeMichael October 20, 2011
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Females who look like hairdressers (regardless of whether they may or may not be hairdressers). Generally characterised by heavily styled/coloured hair and a genre of clothing specific to the profession. Name derived from the salon "Peter Mark".
Whoa, check out those Mark's Sisters. Their directional haircuts, general black clothing (with signature elements of strong primary colour), and leggings are nice.
by PopeMichael October 7, 2009
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An unexpected pregnancy. Derived from the German toy "Kinder Surprise", which literally translates to "Surprise Children".
"I'm pregnant again!", said the girl

"OMFG, another Kinder Surprise", said the boy.
by PopeMichael March 1, 2010
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Referring to a state of pregnancy. To be blocked, to become blocked, to get blocked.
"She's blocked", "I'm blocked".
by PopeMichael July 21, 2009
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A form of applause whereby the middle finger and thumb of both hands are repeatedly snapped/clicked instead of clapped. Beatnik applause was developed in the cafes of the 1950s/1960s by the Beatnik/Beat Generation. Many "Beat Poet" fans of this period now suffer from severe arthritic inflammation of the thumb and middle finger.
POET: "The room suddenly went into a mad darkness. A spotlight pierced blackness like a white devil's knife. A voice rose and screamed. Words of beauty cutting my throat. A poem of life, of love, of doom. My years on Earth summed and fooled."

CROWD: Beatnik Applause
by PopeMichael May 13, 2010
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Legendary quote by Frank Zappa from the song "Little Rubber Girl".

"Three Holes, No Waiting" refers to the opportunity provided by the mouth, vagina and anus for intercourse/simulated intercourse. Also known as the Full House, amongst other things.
John: "I'm ready for my Booty Call."

Sarah: "Gosh John, I'm Cracking an Egg and have a toothache."

John: "Three Holes, No Waiting."
by PopeMichael March 30, 2010
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Slang for semen - based on a combination of innocent words. Refers to the sperm content of semen as "Worms", whilst inaccurately describing the semen itself using the phrase "Pee Pee".
My Pee Pee Worms were in her mouth.
by PopeMichael October 1, 2009
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