2 definitions by Pootispenser

SIF is an acronym that stands for Simple, Informative, Factual. Many people consider the SIF philosophy as their consistent state of mind. SIF can be applied in any field, be it practical, creative, or social.
Teacher: "Are you applying SIF on your essay?"
Student: "Yes, of course. That's why I'm so successful."
by Pootispenser April 6, 2017
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The action of twerking and walking at the same time. Mainly done on the side walk of roads, an interpreter would put his or her head down between his legs and start walking and twerking, and the head would be down to see where he or she is going.
Jim: "I hope Miley Cyrus doesn't start twokking too."
John "Dear God no. We can only hope"
by Pootispenser June 8, 2014
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