23 definitions by PonyTrainBoi

Boring, dull, dreary, drab, like things such as money and politics.
Working in the public service is too trousery for me.
by PonyTrainBoi February 11, 2018
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Boring, dull, dreary, drab, things such as money and politics.
Working in the public service is too trousery for me.
by PonyTrainBoi February 11, 2018
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Calm, pleasant, peaceful, but at the same time colourful and happy, often used to describe toddlers' TV.
I loved Thomas as a kid, it was so mosely.
by PonyTrainBoi February 11, 2018
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Calm, pleasant, peaceful, but at the same time colourful and happy, often used to describe toddlers' TV.
by PonyTrainBoi February 21, 2018
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A person who has the maturity of a 10-year-old school bully but complies to all the cultural stereotypes associated with their age and immaturely ridiculing those who don’t.
So he’s an anti-brony? What an agehead.
by PonyTrainBoi March 25, 2020
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Discrimination and/or hostility against adults who like things stereotypically associated with children, such as children's media or toys.
R/Cringetopia is full of babyishophobia.
by PonyTrainBoi January 5, 2023
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