18 definitions by Pointer of the Obvious

Someone who believes that studying physical sciences, nature, or natural history can help answer most, if not all, of our questions.
The term Naturalist is preferred by many Atheists because they have realized that to define "Atheism" using that terminology implies that religion or superstition is necessary in order to understand the philosophy of not believing in a god or gods.
by Pointer of the Obvious August 17, 2008
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Mother In Need of Attention

Usually seen sporting a huge wedding ring, tight cloths, fuck me boots and a single friend. Never seen with husband. Generally does not actually want to hook up, but needs to feel attractive and wanted.
The other night at the club there was a pack of MINAs who flirted with every guy in the place, hit on the bartenders, acted vaguely bi and who all went home alone before midnight.
by Pointer of the Obvious October 30, 2009
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One whose sole job is to point out what should be obvious to people, but isn't. Sometimes considered a smart ass and yet is somehow almost always right.
The Pointer of the Obvious responded to my Urban Dictionary and made me look like an ass - what a jerk.
by Pointer of the Obvious July 28, 2008
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Soft around the edges, with extra weight in the right areas and giving off a, "I know how to take care of you" vibe.
Most MILFs are mom hot because having kids increases their bust and hips. These new enhanced curves and increased nurturing disposition brings out strong primitive response in most men.

Term can also be used to describe most MINAs (Mother In Need of Attention).
by Pointer of the Obvious October 30, 2009
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A short-lived ad campaign by Urban Dictionary that failed because too few of people wanted mugs with the likes of cleveland steamer, jalobes or scene to identify them before they've had their coffee.
Everyone knew that Jim meant business when he emerged from his cubical before 10am sporting his Urban Dictionary moose knuckles coffee mug which he purchased through the get this def on a mug ad campaign.
by Pointer of the Obvious July 7, 2009
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The stage after Pre Theological in which science answers most of the basic questions that humans ask and no longer need to substitute supernatural explanations because we are learning the natural explanations.
He disliked the term Atheist because he realized that people who still use that term are just clinging on to the vain hope that religion is an answer for the unknown. Instead, he knew preferred the truth and was now part of the Post Theological world that no longer needed fantasy and a belief in the supernatural to comprehend life.
by Pointer of the Obvious October 14, 2008
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The size of the TV required to be able to read the legal print at the end of a commercials for pharmaceuticals, car dealerships, or infomercials.
When Robert finally got a Legal-Sized TV he realized that the medication that he was taking was the reason for his impotence, excessive sweating, and heart palpitations.
by Pointer of the Obvious September 24, 2008
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