3 definitions by Pissbaby666

Coined by Volkamical / Rawlyrotten (Sam Bernard), “Transgenecis” is a transgender experience where one has found liberation in their transition, despite societal constructs defined by religious dogma or gender norms and thus, has found happiness and peace within their own personal truth.

Not to be confused with the word “Transgenesis”, Transgenecis is a play on words that combines transgender, genesis, and cisgender. These words put together resemble the transension from the genesis of sex and the rebirth of one’s identity.
The word is usually associated with absurdist philosophy, usually phrased with “Absurd Man’s Transgenesis” where the transgender individual is seen as an absurd hero. An absurd trans man may have a heightened awareness about life’s absurdities due to usually being exposed to early experiences of discrimination and societal rejection, therefore usually resulting in having a greater appreciation for the inherent absurdity of life growing up.
Ever since my transgenecis, my life has never been the same… In the best way possible.
by Pissbaby666 October 23, 2023
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Combination of hitler + pig
Used to refer to “baby hitlers” or also known as people who support hitler lol
Hitlets don’t interact 😡😡👶👶🍼👶
by Pissbaby666 August 25, 2020
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When someone with borderline personality disorder (BPD) is splitting and copes through venting their emotions through posts during these split episodes. Usually done on a private spam/vent account.
Don’t take it too seriously, I was splitposting at the time
by Pissbaby666 July 20, 2022
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