158 definitions by PhoenixGamer34

When you take a big dump, be political to a certain degree after doing it, but refrain from using some certain names.
Rico took a Corrupt Politician after eating something from Taco Bell.
by PhoenixGamer34 April 28, 2021
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Someone that is a fucking moron, as well as a narcissist and a liar, just like his wife, Meghan Markle. They are so dumb it's hard to say who is dumber. As a matter of fact, you can make a fair argument for either. One of the many stupid moments of his life was time he went to a party dressed up in a Nazi outfit. Also, they are so unpopular that some people are more sick and tired of them than Donald J. Trump himself and that is saying a lot, as like many other people, including other Presidents, he is not a very popular guy.
Ethan is a complete and utter moron that only cares about himself and lies a lot, he's such a Prince Harry.
by PhoenixGamer34 January 13, 2023
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The event that will happen when all of the robots in the world decide to end all life on Earth.
Well, here comes the AI Apocalypse, this isn't good, it would've been better if the Zombie Apocalypse happened instead.
by PhoenixGamer34 September 2, 2019
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What most arguments relate to, especially Politics, although there are several other things that are heavily argued over, such as who is the GOAT, Pineapple Pizza, Cats or Dogs, etc.
There are some people that care about Politics, but not Sports, there are some people that care about Sports, but not Politics, there are some people that care about Politics and Sports and there are also some people that don't care about even one of them.
by PhoenixGamer34 January 12, 2023
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A way to tell someone that they can go fuck themselves.
Some random idiot: Your friends don't like you. Me: Suck my left nut.
by PhoenixGamer34 April 12, 2021
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He is a great NBA player, but he is the most overrated player in NBA history, with LeBron James, who's also great, as the second most overrated player in NBA history. When people talk about the GOAT, they mostly goat go Mwith one of them, but in reality it is either Wilt Chamberlain or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and with Bill Russell being the 3rd greatest player of all time. I mean sure, the six championships are an impressive accomplishment, as are the six finals MVPs, but they weren't exactly against great teams, but they weren't bad, either.
Michael Jordan does NOT walk on water, despite what Jordansexuals think that he does.
by PhoenixGamer34 August 24, 2022
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