3 definitions by Phatban87

Racial slur towards blacks. In reference to black american Jazz musicians
Tim: Let's hit that Blues Fest on the riverfront this weekend
Ban: Fuck that, all it will be is a bunch of brown trumpets and wetbacks
by Phatban87 September 20, 2016
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smartass comment used when one slips up or makes a mistake, or rips ass, and gets called out on it.
Jake - rips ass
John - Dude that smells like sewage!
Jake "What happened?!"
by Phatban87 January 15, 2016
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A dumbass. Complete fuck-up. Slang for someone who is so stupid that it's a miracle they haven't accidentally murdered themself already
TPort taking snapchat videos of himself - BOOM BABY BOOM!!! OOOOH!!!

Dustin watching TPort take snapchat videos of himself 3 feet away = TPort you're such a fucking nickledick!
by Phatban87 September 20, 2016
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