3 definitions by PeteGinis

What the U.S. calls 'Spring Break' Canadians call 'March Break'. March Break/Spring Break is a North American school holiday break during the first full week in March. Canadians also say Spring Break, but March Break is far more common. Americans rarely use 'March Break'.
Are you going anywhere for March Break?
by PeteGinis March 17, 2006
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A UK term meaning 'ugly'. The verb is 'mingin' The G is prounced with a hard sound (as in Gun).
Man, he's a real minger.


Man, he's really mingin.
by PeteGinis March 17, 2006
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It can be used in a middle of a sentence as well.
'Yeah, so, I was walking down the streent, eh? and I saw this really cool car.'

General usage:

Instead of

'are you aware of the fact that it is 9.00 and if you don't leave now you'll be late for the hockey game'

you would say

'it's 9.00, eh?'

If you really agree with someone you would say 'I KNOW! Eh?!' emphasising 'know' and the 'eh' with a slight pause between.

Americans have started their own version of this using 'right': 'I know, right?' Although 'right' has more 'confidence' to it than the more passive 'eh?'; but, that's Canada for you, eh?

by PeteGinis March 17, 2006
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