3 definitions by PercyIsHeadBoy

The gryffindor quidditch captin that makes my pussy throb whenever he's on screen.
My friend: Oliver Wood is ugly!
Me: Shut the fuck up retard you simp for draco you have no right to say who's ugly and who is not.
by PercyIsHeadBoy February 20, 2021
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A term used by the media to describe a non-asian person (usually a white person) who fetishizes an asian person, and i would know i am asian.
Usually its used to describe a white man fetishizing an asian women but it also can mean a white women who fetishizes an asian man.
Men with Yellow Fever usually think we will cook and clean for them and be there "shy sex slave"
Women with Yellow Fever usually treat asian men like there babies or call them "Oppa"
White Male: I just signed up for an asian dating site!
White Male's Friend: Bro... it seems like you have a serious case of Yellow Fever
by PercyIsHeadBoy February 20, 2021
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