18 definitions by Peckerama

"Guess what, I got me some NiggerTrade chocolate and it tastes like shit!"
by Peckerama April 5, 2008
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A hetrosexual woman or a bisexual man who loves the sensation of a leathery scrotum inside them.
"Hey, check out that leather lover groping that hobo's ball sack, lol!"
by Peckerama April 13, 2008
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A geeky nerd that is hyper intelligent yet also completelyspastic. It is well know for throwing unexpected and outrageous spasms during it's most intelligent moments typing away on its Windows 95 PC.
"Look at that spazmotron smash up his keyboard playing minesweeper."
by Peckerama March 22, 2008
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Another name for your scrotum, otherwise know as your nutsack.
"God, my fucksack is totally empty from last night's wank"
by Peckerama March 20, 2008
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A term used by Jamie Oliver whenever he decided to improve his cooking and "waz it up".
"Ok let's add some spicy red chillies to this tomato soup just to waz it up."
by Peckerama March 22, 2008
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