40 definitions by PWS27

A double negative statement is a statement that is redundant, so the result is positive. In other words the statement is an absolute, or no variable conditions.
(- -) = +
(++) = +
An example of a double negative statement is "leave me alone you stupid idiot!"
by PWS27 July 3, 2017
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Bottoms down means that you are done doing shots and do not want to end up with a six star hangover.
Annie's friends were taking shots one after another and Annie did not want to get involved, so she said bottoms down.
by PWS27 May 7, 2017
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A turducken is a deboned turkey stuffed inside of a deboned duck stuffed inside of a deboned chicken. Generally, turduckens are considered a specialty food and are very popular in Cajun cuisine. Preparing a turducken takes at least 15-18 hours, requires many ingredients, sells anywhere from $60 to upwards of $250, and demands great attention to detail when seasoning and stuffing.
Even turkitarians get tired of turkey at Thanksgiving dinner and buy a delicious turducken to celebrate the day the pilgrims came to America and settled at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.
by PWS27 October 6, 2017
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In the world of coffee, an average joe means an average cup of coffee. Usually it falls halfway between watered down cardboard and decent storebought coffee.
I bought a large container of Maxwell House coffee from Kroger and it tasted like an average joe.
by PWS27 May 8, 2017
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The donkey rule states that if you ask five people something and they all give you the same answer, you know the statement is true.
I asked five people if fast food is bad for you using the donkey rule and everyone said absolutely!
by PWS27 April 26, 2017
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A daymare is similar to a nightmare, except that you have it during the day. A daymare could stem from paying your taxes to having to go to a dreaded job performance review meeting with your boss.
Mark had a daymare when he realized how many job related e-mails he had to reply to.
by PWS27 August 11, 2017
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Bridge it twelve is the fundamental concept of Hung Gar. It's a connection between you and the other person and you facilitate control over your opponent. Usually, in either attack or defense. There are twelve bridges: hard bridge, soft bridge, crowding bridge, direct bridge, dividing bridge, stabilizing bridge, inch bridge, lift bridge, sending bridge, controlling bridge, settling bridge, and flow/reverse bridge. This is mainly used in Kung Fu.
Novice: Master, teach me each component of bridge it twelve, so I can become the best Kung Fu fighter in the whole world

Master: This will take a considerable amount of time, but is necessary in order to dominate every opponent you will face.
by PWS27 May 19, 2017
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