15 definitions by Otoniel

"Muchacho, tu estas ajumao."
"Dude, you're drunk."
by Otoniel January 8, 2005
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Spanish word for 'gossip'.
"Cual es el chisme."
"What's the gossip."
by Otoniel January 8, 2005
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Puerto Rican for when yo' @ss feels tow up from the flow up.
Hay pepe, trabaje to' el dia, y estoy ewañangao.
by Otoniel January 8, 2005
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In Puerto Rico, it is pronounced with silent D's, and is expression describing a person who is running into a bit of bad luck. Literally, it means, "salty cod fish."
"Te sigues encontrando trabajos que no pagan bien. Tu eres un bacalao salao."
"You keep finding low-paying jobs, you're one salty-ass cod fish."
by Otoniel January 8, 2005
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Literally, it means, bare or peeled coconut. But in Puerto Rico, it is a word used to describe a bald person.
"Coño, se te cayo toito el pelo, esta cocopelao."
"Damn, all your hair fell off, you're as bald as a peeled coconut.
by Otoniel January 8, 2005
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Puerto Rican expression for when yo' ass feels tow up from the flow up.
Coño manolo, acabo de trabajar 16 horas, y me siento ecriquiyao.
Damn manny, I just worked 16 hours, and now I feel tow up from the flow up.
by Otoniel January 8, 2005
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To "hang out." This is really the English expression 'hang out,' but Nuyoricans have given it a spanish pronunciation, thereby creating a new Puerto Rican slang word.
"Oye, yo estoy aburrido, vamos a janguear."
"Yo, I'm bored, lets go hang out."
by Otoniel January 8, 2005
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