Spanish word that means: Let's go! Can also be used with a question mark: Vamos?
Which means: Shall we go?
person 1: I'm done here.
person 2: Me too
person 1: okay, vamos!
by Tha Brassman June 7, 2007
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when you're excited, you start to say this when you are about to finish something
"OMG, I'm about to finish Astral Divinity. Spam 'VAMOS' in the chat."
by [GD] CycloneDasher February 23, 2020
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Acronym for "Views are my own." Used to save characters in your Twitter bio, or other social profiles.
Bio: Social Media Strategist at Social Media Land. Foodie, movie lover, fashionista. *LIVE*LOVE*LAUGH* Don't be talk about it, be about it. VAMO.
by karaeclark May 26, 2015
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a latin from of saying let`s calm down guys with intentionally grammar mistakes when things go out of control between two people.
its usally complemented with a picture of the pokemon squirtle.
vamo a calmarno its not a big deal dudes
by TAKE ME 2 MY GRAVE April 4, 2017
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A manly and emotional act in which two men will put on a maid dress and devil horns respectively and dance along to ananconda by Nicki Minaj.
"did you hear about this dude named michael? he used to vamo da cycle."

"when technoblade and wilbur soot get together, you know that some motorcycles are gonna be vamo'd"
by ladlevi October 27, 2020
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vamos a la playa means lets go to the beach. it is commonly used for no reason.
*shopper in store*
Do you guys sell Plywood?
Vamos a la playa!!

My doctor said I have testicular cancer.

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