15 definitions by Old school bossman

1. Slang phrase that refers to smoking cannabis buds from a bong or bong derivative, but can be used simply to refer to smoking marijuana in general. **Not to be confused with "chasing the dragon" (opium substances)**

2. It can be used also to refer to that elusive first beautiful Marijuana euphoria one has experienced in their 1st MJ smoke that constantly eludes one thereafter and one continues to "chase the green dragon" but never catches it.
After work I am going to chase the green dragon and feel GOOD.

I have been chasing the green dragon for years since I was 18 , but I cannot catch it . Its a bummer.
by Old school bossman October 29, 2020
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To leave in a rush or abruptly with great urgency
I gotta bail on you guy's , my lady is coming home soon.
by Old school bossman September 19, 2020
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The feelings of contempt, hostility or aggression of a prejudiced black person towards another. Derivation of animosity.
"he felt a strong negrosity towards the girl's father"
by Old school bossman September 10, 2020
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A popular social media insult on Twitter and Facebook to the Liberal Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau.
Justin Trudope is letting the entire world of refugees into Canada but claims he doesn't have money to support our military veteran's!! Unbelievable!
by Old school bossman September 10, 2020
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1. Character from Lord of The Rings trilogy that is very sneaky and has a lust and desire for the ring. Also known as Gollum

2.A person mentally overtaken by an obsession who goes to extreme measures of any sort to obtain their desires or goals. Hard drug addicts commonly fit the definition or obsessive abusive partners that think of nothing else.
That crackhead at the bus depot was certainly the ultimate smeogol .
by Old school bossman September 10, 2020
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The purposeful misspelling or incorrect pronunciation of the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's first name to exemplify and mock his lack in typical manhood and his excessive feminist tendencies. The insult is commonly seen on social media posts.
Justine Trudeau is gone to another feminist rally in Toronto.....AGAIN
by Old school bossman September 10, 2020
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Slang of multiple meanings. Used as either blown away, blew away or blow away

1. Someone to get shot and killed with a firearm

2.To get majorly surprised or astounded by something
To blow away.

1.The gang member stated that he was going to blow me away away the next time I entered his turf.

The man ran up on him and blew him away with his shotgun
He was innocently standing there and got blown away right at his doorstep

2.Wow you absolutely blew me away how smart you actually are.
I was blown away how high he could still jump considering how out of shape he's become.
by Old school bossman September 19, 2020
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