3 definitions by Oaring_ore

If a person is stuffy then they are unbelievably toxic human no one wants to contact with because they make them irritated, frustrated, bored or unsettled
A: hey, gonna drop by Jimmy's party tonight?

B: Uhg, ew, no, fuck that stuffy moron!
by Oaring_ore January 8, 2022
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Usually used as 'to roll one's balls to sb';
Usually used towards girls by dudes;
Meaning to flirt with a girl so as to eventually get conducted to the bed by her (guess for what)...
A: that's not the best time to roll your balls to Sophie, Mike!
B: why..?
A: she just got widowed!!!
B: oh, no... Anyway...
by Oaring_ore January 8, 2022
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Also allowed 'eff up';
Infinitive from 'effed up' — meaning to fuck up, mess up, fail at doing smth, ruin smth.
Pal, your silly ideas are gonna effe up my whole plan to roll my balls to Tess
by Oaring_ore January 8, 2022
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