4 definitions by NotKnownToYou

1. A mode, model, example or blueprint.

2. A set of ideas, assumptions, and values that can be used to live, view the world in the logic of the society.
1. The values, integrity, and disciplines of old civilizations are the paradigms we use for today.

2. What was science-fiction is now a paradigm for the science of the present and the future.
by NotKnownToYou February 5, 2009
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1. A cacophony of loud, and dissonant place
or noise.

2. An uproar or clamor
When our team lost it was pandemonium at the stadium. I couldn't even hear my own voice.
by NotKnownToYou April 3, 2009
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1. Occurring, or taking place at daytime.

2. Active during daylight hours.

3. Reoccurring in the day, or daily.
As oppose to Nocturnal animals that are active at night some animals are Diurnal only becoming active in the day.
by NotKnownToYou April 3, 2009
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A short phrase, verse, inscription upon a tombstone referring to the one who lies beneath it.
I want her Epitaph to say:

In memory of Jain Doe, a loving daughter, wife, and mother. Born in 1907 laid to rest in 1963.
by NotKnownToYou April 3, 2009
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