4 definitions by NotDeeja

Shove a blow dryer down your friend's throat day. This is the day where you get to go up to your friend and shove a blow dryer down their throat.
Guy 1 with a blow dryer: Hey it's November 13
Guy 2: Fuck
by NotDeeja October 28, 2021
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The biggest dumbass in the wild west who forgets to breath occasionally and always wanks himself infront of his friends
Person 1: Gustave is such a fucking dumbass
Person 2: Dude he's right next to u
Gustave: Sub to logan paul guys
Person 1: told u
by NotDeeja October 7, 2020
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An idiot who raped somebody and could not survive a helicopter crash
Guy 1: Hey man did you hear Kobe Bryant died?
Guy 2: Thank god.
by NotDeeja October 28, 2021
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A fat fuck who cant breathe and can't spell names correctly. He can't take a joke and will always question anything you say. Will get very sensitive if you call him 'stupid' or an 'idiot' and will always think he can beat you in a fight even though he weighs more than a fucking house.
Person 1: Bro ur such a Deeja
Person 2: *visible offence*
by NotDeeja May 19, 2021
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