5 definitions by Noscercof27

So drunk to the point where you just make up shit to escape from reality, near hammered
Person who’s yossed: hey bos, ate bad chine food, can’t come to work sry
by Noscercof27 November 21, 2022
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When you make the most delicious breakfast served with coffee and you find a banger video to watch with the breakfast
“Come downstairs breakfast is ready”
“Alright, what’s for breakfast”
Waffles with syrup and butter”
“Is there coffee”
“Say less”
Goes on YouTube finds a tommy craze/poofesure video
by Noscercof27 May 24, 2021
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A website where you can record your own story and it'll be published, then everyone will see.
Person 1: Hey did you hear that new storybooth video.
Storyteller: (in his mind) all around me are familiar faces
by Noscercof27 December 6, 2018
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