4 definitions by NatethForever<3

Cross between Natalie and Kenneth
Nateth is a couple name that is in a long distance relationship
by NatethForever<3 December 23, 2014
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Is very sociable and humorous. She is very cool and very talented. She is cool to be around and hang out with. She is always there for you and never forgets about a person no matter how far away they are. You are very lucky if you meet a girl named Almudena. There are only a few of them on the entire planet.
Hey, I just met Almudena and she's so nice and always has my back whenever I need her.
by NatethForever<3 December 23, 2014
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Guy one: man, my girl called me bae. Don't she know that it means poop? I'm sad now.
by NatethForever<3 December 23, 2014
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A girl with black hair and a great personality. She is cool at first but is kickass when people try to mess with her. She is a great friend to have and one that will be for a long time. Most people try to change themselves to be her friend, but she is friends with people who don't care how they dress and don't care about how people think of them. Cheiley is humorous when around the right people and loves rap music.
Girl 1} "Hey, I just met a girl named Cheiley in my Geometry class and she always has my back. She doesn't care about me changing my personality or how I look.
{Guy 1} Ya, I know right, she's cool. Cheiley is in my Biology class and she's humorous. She made a joke about the picture on our worksheet and I laughed so hard that I got in trouble. But it's cool.
by NatethForever<3 December 23, 2014
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