9 definitions by NateBlank

A person who post regularly on /pol/ The Politically Incorrect forum located on the popular website 4chan.
There goes another polster ranting off on /pol/
by NateBlank October 27, 2018
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Nipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's that value white supremacy, counter-culture, regressive politics, an appreciation of Hitler and Nazism, intelligence, and skull stomping.
Nipsters are Nazi Hipsters who wear White Pride on their chest and Horn-rimmed glasses on their face.
by NateBlank February 3, 2017
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Taylor and Karlie are Gal Pals who like to attend social events together.
by NateBlank December 6, 2014
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Brownwashing is a casting practice in the film industry of mainly The United States in which POC actors are cast in historically non-POC character roles. The film industry has a history of frequently casting POC actors for roles involving White, non-Hispanic culture.
Hermione Granger although a fictional character she has historically perceived as a young white girl this was up until recently when a Play based on the books announced their casting of a black woman to play the roll of Germione Granger. The Brownwashing of this popular fictional white character is just a small sample of this ever growing trend in entertainment industry.
by NateBlank July 23, 2017
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Denial Closeted is a metaphor used to describe a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) person who has not disclosed his or her sexual orientation to themselves. A person who is closeted about being in the closet with their own self.
"Denial Closet" Santana has relations with both sexes, but is only out and open with her relations with that of the opposite sex. Santana is in denial with herself that she is in the closet believing that it is only sex when actually it means so much more to her.
by NateBlank March 9, 2011
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Encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward Caucasians or people who are identified or perceived as being white.
Caucasianaphobia I hate or fear whites because they are all racist. It is okay to beat up a white person if they use the n-word, or look at me funny. All white's love mayonnaise on their sandwiches. White Privilege is real.
by NateBlank March 2, 2015
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A Toyphiler is a person or persons whom collect toys and or pictures of toys.
A Toyphiler would hang out on internet discussion forums and share pictures of their own personal toy collection with other Toyphilers.
by NateBlank April 19, 2011
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