58 definitions by Napoleon BonerPart

Referring to the introductory cinematic moments at the beginning of the cowboy series “Bonanza” , where the map of their farm ( the Ponderosa ) was prominently displayed on screen , only for it to catch fire from behind , with the little inferno commencing with a smallish ring of fire .
Christ, Love - that curry you made last night was a bit lively - I’ve just got up this morning , gone for a shite , and my arse is like the feckin map of bonanza
by Napoleon BonerPart February 3, 2023
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Play on the name of that irritating little turd Bilbo . Typically used to describe an ill timed full hardon that has little chance of seeing any light of day but will remain cloaked within the confines of ones undergarments and likely go completely to waste .
That fit bitch in Asda was bending over rearranging the bags of frozen peas and her bubble butt totally caught my eye . There I was just pushing my trolley along and I was immediately overcome by a raging Bulbo Baggins in my undercrackers . I mean , it was full of steel . A thing even a cat couldnt scratch . What an absolute waste. I wasnt even able to nip to the shitter to chug one off the wrist because my trolley was three quarters full
by Napoleon BonerPart February 22, 2023
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Invisible 10th planet in the solar system .
The twin of Uranus .
There’s no rings around Uranus , are there any rings around bumeholé ?
by Napoleon BonerPart February 17, 2023
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The result of excessive anal straining , following a particularly strenuous session of attempting and succeeding to pass a stool with a girth that exceeds the maximum elasticity of one’s sphincter
Fuck sake , that was a whopper of a copper bolt I’ve just shat out …. My arsehole is sticking out like a watchmakers eye
by Napoleon BonerPart February 6, 2023
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Any situation that could conceivably have arisen , where the sheer scale and levels of uttetrly abject stupidity could not have possibly been predicted or indeed legislated for .

This decision is so preposterously overflowing with unmitigated buffoonery that I may have to go and cut out my own brain .
Can you believe the previously unsurpassed level of unmitigated buffoonery that has led to a committee of horrifically incompetent clown shoes re-electing that fucking cretin back into that position ? No wonder fucking lions eat their young
by Napoleon BonerPart March 13, 2023
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A particularly wet and drippy ladies front bottom , usually bereft of pubes, that is in a state of expectant imminent receipt of a tumescent male seeding tube .

A fanny like a calf’s nostril
See that sister of hers over there , well her muff was like a calfs nostril for me last weekend so I pumped her full of man fat
by Napoleon BonerPart February 3, 2023
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The shitter , the shit pot , the dunny, the chodbin, the shunky, the cludgy, the bog.
Excuse me for a brief few moments Delilah ,

One requires to repair to the Porcelain French Horn to offload a hefty quantity of arse bars
by Napoleon BonerPart February 24, 2023
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