58 definitions by Napoleon BonerPart

A Guinness Fart is almost the exact opposite to a genuine fart , and can catch you out after you have consumed a commendable volume of the lovely black liquid .
Having been lulled into a very false sense of safety and security by your own anus , you place your trust in it to release nothing but wind, but horror of horrors , it’s played a very cruel trick on you and will shoot out warm, black , stinking sticky bum treacle of a slightly thicker viscosity than what went in only a few hours beforehand . At this point and usually in the most inconvenient of locations, you have become a victim of a Guinness Fart
I’d only had 9 pints of Dublins finest and whilst walking home I trusted my sphincter to emit some gas which I thought had backed up inside my poop chute . How wrong I was, when the bastard sphincter tricked me with. Guinness Fart and deposited about 4 lbs of BumMolasses directly into my kex . To make matters worse , by the time I’d walked the rest of my journey , the dollop had went cold
by Napoleon BonerPart March 13, 2023
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Courting a particularly dim witted bitch with a horrifically low IQ and virtually zero experience of the world save for what she’s managed to glean from never having left the backwards village of New Pitsligo in Aberdeenshire , Scotland .
A slapper with the cranial processing ability of a fucking rocking horse .
by Napoleon BonerPart February 22, 2023
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The act of passing stool of such immense girth that there is literally not a micron of space between the copper bolt itself and the walls of the sphincter
I had definitely eaten too much meat .
I spent a good twenty five minutes earlier this morning logging full bore
by Napoleon BonerPart February 22, 2023
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A pungent smelling womans gash or “fud
That can be described as “reeking”, giving rise to her being defined as Fudareeka
See her at the corner of the bar there ,

She’s a Fudareeka
by Napoleon BonerPart February 4, 2023
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The unfortunate act of passing comment on the antics of a child or children , which leads to others in one’s company suspecting you of somewhat inappropriate behaviour towards minors
I can’t wait to get me shoes off and join in with the kiddies on that bouncy castle ….

Oh fuck , I’ve just committed a rather embarrassing Gary Glitter Faux Pas haven’t I .

Sorry everyone , I’ll get my coat
by Napoleon BonerPart February 23, 2023
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Descriptive expression used when observing some unfortunate fucker who is so monstrously bosseyed that they have football pools eyes. One home and one away. Can be substituted for Pontoon Eyes, one twists and one sticks, or One on dip , One on full beam .
Did you notice the football pool eyes on that fecker? She doesnt know if its new year or New York , looking thru those fuckers
by Napoleon BonerPart February 6, 2023
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Rhyming Slang for Shiter, meaning the anal sphincter , or the cigar cutter, or the old balloon knot, the hoop , the tea towel holder etc . Sometimes shortened to just Ronson , in typical Lindon cockney style

The Ronson Lighter
See that idea of me paying for your electric bill ? Well, you can ram that right up your fuckin Ronson .

Ronson Lighter
by Napoleon BonerPart February 17, 2023
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