10 definitions by Nacho Dan

When I was younger, my big brother used to give me a killer wedge every day. I hate that bastard.
by Nacho Dan June 15, 2004
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nasty-ass canned jalapeno pepper slices

Zesty is commonly found on top of the "nachos" served by concessions stands at sporting events. "Nachos", for the purposes of this definition, is zesty atop edible-plastic "cheese" served from heaters by pushing a yellow button and waiting for the "cheese "food" " to cover the stale chips provided by the company running the concession.

So named due to the prominence of the word "ZESTY!" on the gigantic can from which the archetypal zesty originates. The real brand name of zesty is lost to history, and frankly, is irrelevant.

Emphatic is "zes-tay", or sometimes described by the effects of eating the zesty. See also: explosive diarrhea
Him: Need nachos with zesty!
Me: Regular zesty or two-hands-on-the-toilet-bowl zesty?
by Nacho Dan July 8, 2004
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A ninjew is a Jew who has developed some level of skill in jew-fu. A certain amount of strength is also required, as the ninjew may be called upon to stab vigorously. They have been known to wail on guitar or do other things that are totally sweet. The natural enemy of the pirate.

Ninjews are rare and hard to pick out of a crowd.

1. Ninjews are mammals, and often hairy to the point of being jewbacca.
2. Ninjews fight ALL the time, except when they're drinking or bitching. A bitch-drink-fight cycle is not uncommon.
3. The purpose of the ninjew is to flip out and kill people.
Ted is wailing on a guitar while he's drinking, and that's totally sweet. You can tell he's a ninjew.
by Nacho Dan June 30, 2004
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"Not at all", almost to the point of the suggestion being laughable. Used to express extreme disagreement with a statement, or an emphatic negative in response to a question. Equivalent to a low-voltage in digital logic, which generally represents an assertion of a false statement. First used by Eric Schmidt.

Usually uttered through a laugh.
Me: Hey, you guys enjoying that last thermodynamics assignment?
Them: ZEE-RO!

Mom: What do you say to liver for dinner?
Kid: Zero, mom. Zero.
by Nacho Dan August 8, 2004
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Phenomenon whereby a software package gains many more features than originally intended.

Generally the product of optimistic programmers or overambitious managers, feature creep is generally considered a bad thing. Feature creep makes a program that would have done one thing well into a program that does ten things, all poorly. Microsoft Outlook suffers badly from feature creep.
Her: Oh, we could add TCP/IP remote management!
Him: We need to make sure it has a standard SNMP interface. And metrics analysis.
Me: Watch out for feature creep - it's only a screen saver.
by Nacho Dan July 8, 2004
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A form of the martial arts used by the ninjew. Kept secret among the Hebrew people, jew-fu allows the ninjew to perform spectacular feats of dexterity, dominate his opponents, or open an otherwise stubborn beer. Used by ninjews to fight pirates.
Darrin: How the hell did you beat me?
Ted: I'm a ninjew.
Darrin: Oh yeah, I forgot. Pwned by the jew-fu again.
by Nacho Dan June 30, 2004
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