6 definitions by MysticRiver

A person with no moral compass. A hypocritical bully that practices negativity and down trotting of our fellow man, while promoting mental wellness. One of half witted thoughts and vile, child like behavior.
Can you believe that furlanlee has a podcast!!!??? What a waste of an hour!!!
by MysticRiver September 24, 2020
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A reject that will act like a baboon just to get noticed. They have no moral compass and no real purpose on the planet. A waste of air and space. A female Chachi.
Don’t be a furlan!
by MysticRiver September 22, 2020
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A Furlan is a half witted , extremely hypocritical, weasel that has no moral compass. They are willing to say and do anything for attention. They are known for their extreme manipulation skills and are willing to trick men out of their hard earned money, usually an older, less coherent person will fall for this type. Don’t be fooled. Keep your loved ones away from this life draining weasel.
Tommy was bamboozled by a Furlan!!!!
by MysticRiver September 22, 2020
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A reject that will act like a baboon just to get noticed. They have no moral compass and no real purpose on the planet. A waste of air and space. A female Chachi.
Someone needs to blackball Brittany, she’s such a Furlan!!!
by MysticRiver September 30, 2020
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