10 definitions by Mr. Tapeworm

The hollow tube used to insert gerbils or other small rodents into ones rectum for sexual gratification.
Hey Bruce grease up that tunnel of love so I can make a Habitrail of my ass.
by Mr. Tapeworm May 25, 2006
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a slang phrase for male ejaculant. also known as cum, jiz, joy juice, man-jelly, spunk, spode, jit, jizm, white tears, chowder, dong phlegm, baby batter, coconut oil, tapicoa without the fish eyes, snake oil, man mucus.
I repeatedly shoved my veiny man-meat down her semi-willing throat and shot pecker snot all over her uvula.
by Mr. Tapeworm May 25, 2006
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A concoction of French salad dressing and dead bugs collceted from light fixtures. The mixture is usually consumed on a dare by dishwashers or busboys who are bored out of their skulls and start making their own fun.
If I eat this piece of raw bacon you've got to down a glass of poor-man's chioppino.
by Mr. Tapeworm June 2, 2006
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Someone who votes democrat because they rely on the pandering handouts given to them by the government. A big believer in the Nanny-State. Not quite a commie rat but with definite communist leanings. They never really accomplished anything in their life but somehow think the world owes them something.
The Authur Spooner character on "King of Queens" played brilliantly by Jerry Stiller is a good example of a dependocrat. He leeches off his daughter and son-in-law as well as the government and doesn't have a pot to piss in due to his own lack of planning or ambition.

by Mr. Tapeworm May 25, 2006
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A sub-species of the Mullet. Generally recognized by a poorly-kemp mullet or even a rat-tail hair "style", molester mustache, poor hygiene, and commonly with bad teeth. The Hescher is often part of the motorhead crowd and is into anything violent or that involves vandalism.
No one famous comes to mind....likely because Heschers are so anti-social that one wouldn't have much of a chance at being famous.
by Mr. Tapeworm May 25, 2006
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A mental disorder characterized by a fierce self-loathing to the extent that the person wrongly assumes all other cultures and races are superior to his own. Political correctness should be more accurately called political cowardice because people who comply with PC rules ignore facts just to avoid confrontation. Confrontation is what is needed in many cases to facilitate a frank and honest discussion of problems that are facing our nation and society.
Michael Moore is an example of Political Correctness. He's the idiot that wrote a book titled "Stupid White Men" when in fact he is one of the stupidest white men around. He obviously hates himself and has good reason for that. He would do us all a favor by just killing himself instead of criticizing everyone else.

Terms such as Asian-American and African-American are meaningless because Asia and Africa are huge continents containing many countries and people of many races. When black Algerian youths were burning cars in Paris some idiot reported referred to them as African-American. How stupid is that?
by Mr. Tapeworm June 21, 2007
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A woman who is generally not concerned with her appearance and doesn't make any attempt to look womanly or sexy. Frumps are very common in the Seattle area. They need not be overweight but commonly are somewhat "doughy" and are characterized by lack of makeup (except for ugly art-school or Goth-style makeup), poorly-fitted, unstylish clothing, general lack of muscle tone or a tan. They sometimes wear very bright red lipstick or substitute teacher cat-eye glass to make themselves even less appealing to men although they are not dykes. They'll often complain loudly that they can't find a man yet make no attempt to present themselves in a manner that might attract a man (showing skin or cleavage for instance). They might even be somewhat attractive (do-able)if they made an attempt at dressing better and wearing makeup and/or a better hairstyle.
Wynonna Ryder is an example of a well-known frump (don't you hate the way she hides those awesome gland bags of hers beneath baggy shirts?)

I saw a group of frumps out for a walk wearing parkas and "Seattle Sombreros" (an ugly Gore-Tex rain hat) walking at Pike Street Market on a rare sunny day in Seattle.
by Mr. Tapeworm May 25, 2006
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