2 definitions by Mockstairwell

The placement of people after an online game(like halo). The rule is that the player in last has generally more of a life than the player who placed first. Can be used as an excuse or a joke.
Reggie99 - "Hey, I just came in first! Awesome!"
Noobie36 - "Yea, but you are last in the Halo Sequence, my friend. You obviously have no life."
Reggie99 - "You're just saying that because you suck."

MasterChief123 - "Yes! I pwn at capture the flag. Good thing I'm last in the Halo Sequence or else I would be a n00b."
by Mockstairwell January 22, 2008
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Why Did That Just Occur? Used as an exclaimation like wtf or OMG. Used by people smarter than to used cliched words like that.
Person 1: Sam just hit Steve with a dictionary!
Person 2: WDTJO?
by Mockstairwell January 14, 2008
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