194 definitions by Mind Hunter the Profiler

The negative psychological response to real world disappointments — the exact opposite of: forgiveness, “turning a frown upside down”, or, “turning the other cheek”. REVENGE is thought to be a better path; and, a person’s life becomes defined by a pivotal event that changes their outlook on life and perceived reality. In the words of Bob Dylan: “When you’ve got nothing; you’ve got nothing to lose”.
He was arrested and beaten by the police because he fit a profile. Found not guilty by a jury of his peers and exonerating evidence, he was freed after losing everything including his good name. THIS IS HOW VILLIANS ARE BORN!!!!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 28, 2022
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Tuck around and find out! — a variation of “Fuck around and find out!”; and, “Mess around and find out”. In this variation an individual thinks that he is more important than the life of an entire organization. He or she finds out the hard way that although there is no “I” in team; there is certainly an “I” in the word “fired”!!!!!!!!!

The variation “Tuck around and find out!” Is of cours dedicated to Tucker Carlson who took the fall for Fox News in the Dominion Law suit. His termination was based on a stratagem employed by Napoleon Bonaparte:

“Kill a few, it will inspire the rest”.

It seems clear the Carlson may have been the first of many to “ Tuck around and find out!” but according to the traditional use of this stratagem HE WILL NOT BE THE LAST.

Carlson’s name provides a beautiful and ironic onomatopoeia reference to the original term because if “tuck around and find out” we’re a person; it would look like Tucker Carlson.

This reminds me of another of Napoleon’s maxims:

Fortune favors the prepared mind.
Tucker Carlson was the first person at Fox News to Tuck around and find out that there is no “I” in team; but, he won’t be the last one!
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woke up and chose violence — the act of awakening and greeting the day with absolutely the worst decision that you could possibly make.

And sometimes it is actually violence.

It’s starting the day and performing any action that unalterably changes your life forever.
The people who attacked The Capitol on January 6th 2021 — attacked the symbolic seat of the American people’s power — just woke up and chose violence that day. And, as a result, the ring leaders are receiving long federal prison sentences.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler August 22, 2023
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MTG MAGA’s MVP means Marjorie Taylor Green Make America Great Again’s Most Valuable Player.

This is the battle cry oft repeated in the most cringe MAGA presentation since the last one five minutes ago. This political ad features MTG who was ejected from the ironically named Freedom Caucus on July 6th 2023.

Apparently her clap back was to make a video that featured a “1990’s poor man’s music video aesthetic style worthy of a Casio stock beat”.

And boy, does she mug for the camera — real/fake B-girl style.

Norman Vincent Peale, and Napoleon Hill aver that if you say a thing often enough in your self-talk that you will come to believe it; AND, IT WILL COME TO PASS. Perhaps this is the purpose of the music video — her own personalized version of “EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY I’M BECOMING BETTER AND BETTER AND BETTER BY GOD’S GRACE.


Yeah…that will work.
Using the principles of intention, affirmation, and self-talk, Marjorie Taylor Green repeats to herself : MTG MAGA’s MVP; MTG MAGA’s MVP; MTG MAGA’s MVP, while standing naked in front of a mirror and doing Cross Fit exercises.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler July 18, 2023
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Specifically Northern New Jersey messy.

Another way of saying: “It probably mob related without actually saying: “it’s mob related”.

An example would be noticing all of the pizza boxes in Northern New Jersey are exactly the same no matter where you buy pizza; and, being stupid enough to ask the question “why” aloud to the owner of a random shop.

If the owner doesn’t know you as a regular customer the more common answer would be:

“Who fuckin’ wants to know?”.

But, if you are known and liked as a regular customer the shop owner will mutter:

“It’s New Jersey messy”

meaning it’s mob related; and, that you just asked a stupid question.
Friend #1 Is that watch and designer shirt you’re wearing real or knock offs?
Friend #2 It’s New Jersey messy, don’t look too closely.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler December 22, 2022
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Embrace the Chaos!!!! — the devil-may-care attitude of confronting every American day before the 2024 elections with the expectation that: in spite of record worldwide flooding; extreme weather events,; forest fires in the major wooded areas around the world; mass casualty earthquake events in heavily populated areas; threats to democracy; and a Ukrainian proxy war with Russia that sometimes threatens to escalate to a limited nuclear exchange — in spite of all of that — THE SUN WILL COME UP TOMORROW; AND, EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY IT’S ALL BECOMING BETTER AND BETTER AND BETTER!!!!



Yeah…Im not buying it either. Embrace the Chaos!!!!
Don’t question any of the dire signs and portents: Embrace the Chaos!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 10, 2023
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That’s a mean cup of water — A mytho-legendary quote attributed to The Man in Black himself Johnny Cash when he performed live at San Quentin Prison.

Many people were against his performance in prisons especially prison guard unions who thought that a Johnny Cash prison performances would quite probably incite riots.

What actually happened was that Cash said: “If there are any guards still talking to me could you bring me a cup of water”.

After he finished drinking it, Cash destroyed and crushed the tin cup in which his water had been provided. Then he sang a song about the uselessness of San Quentin Prison and theories of rehabilitation called: San Quentin.

His Johnny Cash Live at San Quentin Album was certified gold on August 12th 1969 and in spite of the documented evidence to the contrary, the legend of the “ That’s a mean cup of water” quote is more powerful than what actually occurred.

But that’s the thing about a good and well told mytho-legendary story: it’s never what actually happened; it’s what SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED!!!!
That’s a mean cup of water. I felt tough like I’ve seen a thing or two; but I’ve never seen anything as hard as the cup of water I just drank!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler March 31, 2023
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