6 definitions by MikeTheShikes

An andreas simonsen is a homosexual guy that normally likes to eat a little bit more than the usual population of Pakistan. He normally crawls on all 4 and loves pets. If you want to get an andreas you can order him through gaygaygaygay.gay.shop.maverick.idk
hey bro?
hey bro
yeah idk
andreas simonsen yeah
by MikeTheShikes April 3, 2019
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- Noun
Chicargo-slang. Commonly used for people with an eating disorder.
Rasmus: Ay you fat
Justin: nah i just have Jesper Dichmann
Rasmus: aight fair enough
by MikeTheShikes April 6, 2019
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- noun
Spoogle originally came from the capital city in Denmark and were supposed to move out in the wild after he got giftet a iPod by his parents. He became in love with the iPod and had it on him all day. His hiding-spot was unfortunately his asscrack, but at least it was warm when in use. The term is normally used for people that likes to stuff big objects in the back region. Spoogles normally dances really good and moves their hips better than most people. If not your spoogle has red curly hair, well then it's not a spoogle.
Hey spoogle
hey bro
yeah idk
but hey anyways lol
yeah ikr
yeah gg cya
cya bro
bye bro
by MikeTheShikes April 3, 2019
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- Noun
Chicargo slang, commonly used against people with diabetes or just fat people. You have probably heard of the word "DaDagger", which just is a mutated version of Dagmar holten. DaDagger can also be used as an synonym to "nigga", like "what up my Dagger".
Person 1: What up fatty, you dagmar holten or what?
Person 2: *cries*
Person 1: yeah cry that fat out fatty
by MikeTheShikes October 31, 2019
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Noun - Commonly used as an insult to autistic people.
Person 1: Mom, dad.. I'm gay
Dad: Lol, you're such a Julius Emborg
Person 1: No! That's 2 far dad!
by MikeTheShikes October 31, 2019
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Ben G


⁃ Verb

Underground slang
Most often used in conjunction with the trapper environment in atlanta or the southern states to put words on an act that seems gay or clammy.


⁃ noun

however Ben G can also be used to describe a person manipulating his gang to look better himself, maybe by choking himself and calling you out for attempted murder (though Ben Gs, for the most part, fail in the attempt)(they are often bad actors.)

description number 2 is mostly also used about people who would tick "other" if gender is to be chosen.
Person 1: Is that a girl or a boy?
Person 2(probably named steve): Idk, lol.

Person 1: It might be a Ben G, lets not get in trouble, they are always so agressive..
by MikeTheShikes August 21, 2020
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