19 definitions by Mehro

The God of Change and Evil Dreams. He is the sworn enemy of Nurgle, God of Pestilence and Death. Tzeentch uses mutation and unnatural magic to bestow evil enchantments upon his elite warriors.
Tzeentch brought the evil warrior into daemonhood.
by Mehro December 21, 2004
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A powerful weapon combo in the hit Xbox game, Halo 2. To perform it, a player finds a Plasma Pistol and Battle Rifle, takes them, charges the Plasma Pistol and fires off a shot at the opponent, instantly making the target lose their shield. Then the player needs only to switch to the Battle Rifle and fire off one shot to the head (or two shots to the body) to get an instant kill on the target.

It is widely used in maps like Colossus and Beaver Creek. Do not judge the combo by its widely-used name, however. It takes skill to some extent to aim the Battle Rifle in the right spot.
Player 1: How did you get 40 kills, Player 2?

Player 2: Noob combo, biyatch.
by Mehro March 25, 2005
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Started by Canadian tard Avril Lavigne, Sk8er is used by 10-12 year olds who follow Avril Lavigne like a freaking god. These 10-12 year olds have merely got their first taste of "rock," and have been pulled into it's will by the WRONG person, namely Avril. These 10-12 year olds refer to anti-sk8ers as "h8ers." The "8" is used in place fo "at" because the 10-12 year olds cannot spell "skater."
Thanks a lot, Avril. You just ruined the word "skateboarder" and the sport of boarding forever. Now the common stereotype for skateboarders is being a poser.
by Mehro June 21, 2004
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A "hokey" term.

What you would say when you are in a bad situation, but is not contrived as a swear word so you can't get in trouble for it.
"Aw, dilly," said Pete as his parents found him on a porn site.

"This is one dilly of a pickle."
by Mehro March 26, 2005
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A great game made by Bungie for the Xbox. It was so hyped fans were expecting a life-changing experience and an ascension to the higher level of gaming. Many fans were sad when they found Halo 2 wasn't God's gift of gaming goodness, and Halo 2 was looked at as an over-rated game by many. Sadly, it was not looked upon as the great game it was by normal gamers, but Xbox fans see it as phenonmenal. They're right. The game sold way, way more than any other game ever. (That includes GTA: San Andreas.) And it made Microsoft 125 million dollar.
Guy: Halo 2 sucks! It's sooo over-rated! Wah, wah, wah!

Xbox Fan: Over 150,000 people disagree with you, idiot.
by Mehro November 15, 2004
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Microsoft's online gaming service for their console system the "Xbox." Living up to it's title "the best online gaming service," Xbox Live offers a variety of games including Counter Strike, Rainbow Six 3 and Halo 2. It offers clan services, a friends list, messaging system, a voice-headset communicator, online alerts and more. You can play with anyone from just about anywhere around the world.

It does have it's ups and downs. There are some Xbox Live gamers who act immaturely, but they can easily be overlooked. Thanks to the muting system, you can mute that kid who sings everytime he talks. (Then again, you can just tell him to shut up.) Xbox Live really allows Xbox owners to get the most out of their games.
Joe: I just killed you on Halo 2 last night. Do you know what that means, Daniel?

Daniel: Yes, a deal is a deal, and if it must be so then I will put on a ballerina's tu-tu and sing twinkle-twinkle little star into my webcam. Then I will send the video to everybody I know thus putting me in the middle of a humilation frenzy.
by Mehro November 9, 2004
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(Also known as H and P.) Hunting and Pecking refers to somebody who is extremely slow at typing. The way H and P-ers type is searching the keyboard row by row finding the key to press, then hitting that key and repeating the process. Some people such as myself find this extremely irritating because you just would like to get up, punch the typer in the head, sit down and began typing at 1000+ words a minute.
Nerd: Type faster...please type faster or I'll wound you!
Typer: Click...Click...Click...
Nerd: AGGHHHH!!!!
by Mehro November 28, 2004
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