10 definitions by Mediumdave22

A massage parlor, usually located in a strip mall, where the phrase "you want to turn over?" means it's time for "happy ending".
TJ just got back from the whack shack, those Asian girls gave him the 3 finger special.
by Mediumdave22 February 2, 2011
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A Caucasian wide receiver in football, usually lacking either speed, physical prowess, or any athleticism whatsoever. However, he always catches the ball and is usually the most consistent player on the offense.
Wes Welker has really stepped his game up since going to New England! He is the best white receiver in the game; he is always white open too!
by Mediumdave22 March 8, 2011
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A dog or cat who is a little bit "slow", distracted, or socially awkward.
"Your dog seems a little off today, he is trying to drink out of the toilet even though the lid is down!"

Naw... he is just a little pawtistic sometimes, he will snap out of it if you offer him a treat!
by Mediumdave22 March 8, 2011
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A person who eats and/or prepares so much fried chicken their cholesterol levels are dangerous.
Man I don't feel so good, went to the doctor and my lab results were off the charts; got to stop having Colon El Sanders prepare my meals.
by Mediumdave22 February 23, 2011
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The status of a "white receiver" who is often left uncovered by the opposing defense due to his lack of game breaking speed or athleticism; however it can backfire as the "white receiver" seldom drops the ball and is very clutch
They should throw the ball to Johnny more, he is always white open!
by Mediumdave22 March 8, 2011
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When you and the boys go out to pick up girls and everyone strikes out, then have to go to a whack shack so the evening isn't a total loss.
We went out for Adam's Birthday and the chicks were hatin', despite our persuasion and charm...so we had to activate the whack up plan.
by Mediumdave22 June 24, 2011
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A super shredded calf muscle, usually owned by a triathlete or other bad ass athlete.
Adam: Man my legs are tired after that 50 mile bike ride!

Dave: Yeah I have to put Calf Ripken Jr on the 15 day DL.
by Mediumdave22 February 2, 2011
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