17 definitions by Master of The Factory

Women finding amusement in the failures of male co-workers.
"I can't believe it. A million dollars wasted on this project and all those women can do is slap clitties."
by Master of The Factory January 11, 2007
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Hookworms are parasitic worms that eventually cause extreme lethargy and destroy the mind. They are most commonly spread in the south where the poorly educated go barefoot where they take a dump.
Hookworms lost the civil war for the south and helped win the 2016 presidential election.
by Master of The Factory August 9, 2018
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Devil child. Child of the devil. Usually disguised as an angel.
"I'm going crazy. My girlfriend's kid is so pookie it's giving me the creeps."
by Master of The Factory January 11, 2007
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That crazy biotch! Every time those darkies come on TV all she does is boogly buggly boo!
by Master of The Factory January 20, 2007
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This is what I call the poorly educated that hold their eating utensil like a shovel and generally act like a pig. 'Struction workers are famous for it.
Look at that deplorable food piggy shoveling food into his face. Let's go somewhere else.
by Master of The Factory August 12, 2018
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What teenage boys do after listening to hot rod sounds.
"I have a hard-on from all those hot rod sounds. Let's peanybate."
by Master of The Factory January 20, 2007
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This is an uncomfortable situation that describes the achy feeling in the balls after an erection that has lasted several hours longer than anticipated. Playing with big tits and making out can cause this in teenagers. Can only be relieved by masturbating as soon as possible.
"I sure had a bad case of blue balls after playing with Tracey's big tits and touching her sticky panties all night. She's lucky I didn't rape her."
by Master of The Factory March 25, 2008
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