17 definitions by Master of The Factory

These are greedy, land rich, uneducated dotards that hire illegals to work in the fields so they can afford a new $80,000 bubba benz (diesel pickup) every spring.
Just because of greed republican farmers harbor criminals to work in their fields. When a heinous crime is committed by them they blame the lib-ur-uls. They are going to be exposed and soon.
by Master of The Factory August 22, 2018
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"Oh Bruce, let's brown route it tonight, big fella."
by Master of The Factory January 20, 2007
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These are normally obese, tattooed, uneducated baby makers that drive beat up '92 Pontiacs and date hairy backed dotards. They voted for trump because their dotard boyfriends have 'struction jobs and told them to. All of their kids have different last names and their asses are the size of Delaware. Some of them smoke mile long Benson and Hedges and hang out at the local watering hole while their kids tear up their government subsidized housing.
That trumpette really looks like an old whore doesn't she? I'll bet she has a big gizmo.
by Master of The Factory August 8, 2018
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