51 definitions by Major Thomas Randle

Political candidates who must try to explain negative or questionable actions from their past.
It was a very short time before he had to stop campaigning and start
CAM-SPLAINING the unacceptable things done in years past.
by Major Thomas Randle February 7, 2019
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The combination of: ‘At the end of the day’; and ‘It is what it is’. Therefore summing up the entire response to everything that ever happens with no obvious answer.
Although we may never know the reason for anything (ever);

by Major Thomas Randle July 23, 2018
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(Blimp+Pimp):The new purposed replacement for the presidential airplane (Air Force 1). A Massive Blimp with bling, rims and dementia; dual jet engines and hydrogen gas filled. Estimate Cost: ∞ $.
I am worried about the safety of the new design and name of POTUS-PLIMP-1... I think the current Air Force 1 is fine.......
by Major Thomas Randle October 13, 2018
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The reality of every person being totally unique and an existentialist singular life. Beyond phenotypes and groupings.
One reason why it’s so hard for people to truly agree upon things is found in our YOU-NIQUE nature. Whereby each individual is far more singular than the whole; yet aspires to be part of everything.
by Major Thomas Randle March 16, 2019
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A person who is either empty headed; or always seemingly in some other planet and space.
This guy is really brilliant but most of the time he is a straight up ZERONAUT. Some people think he’s empty minded... he’s more than different. Alien is more like it!
by Major Thomas Randle November 30, 2018
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A person who attempts great wisdom by yelling and yapping nonsense. Thinking that the speed and over emoting will make others listen.
I was watching this YAPPING YODA on news today, and it was so loud and crazy that I wondered how this person was reporting anything!
by Major Thomas Randle February 16, 2019
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The process of rising and falling in the political (time/space) hyper speed world.
It only took a (political) TIME LAPSING to see the powerful candidate become a negative meme with no real support.
by Major Thomas Randle March 17, 2019
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