2 definitions by MagikaRoblox12

Graphics interchange format, a.k.a GIF, is a little moving picture that has no sound. Like a 2 second quiet movie.

Cassidy and Caelyn say gif, and are correct BECAUSE THE F*CKING CREATOR WAS A GRAPHICS PROFFESOR NOT A ENGLISH TEACHER. So even though he said jyf, GIF is pronounced gif. Fact of life, kiddos.
Xavier: did you see Tina’s thotty gif on her knees?
Alex: yeah it was awesome.

by MagikaRoblox12 March 27, 2019
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Thot is an abbreviation for That Hoe Over There and is used for basically all the gals at yer local highschool.

A thot, is generally very Slooty and does really want anything than a 🍆

A thot can also be a Memer or a Prostitute so don’t mess with a thot.
Xavier: Loooook, Nathan!!! It’s ya girl Katie over there!! Go talk to her, I heard she had hard s*x with Alex last night!!!
Nathan: Dude, she’s such a thot and a sloot man! I’m so dumping her!
Xavier: yeah bro.
by MagikaRoblox12 March 19, 2019
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