2 definitions by MadJoy

Person 1: "He's trying so hard to be 'above' modern society, it's ridiculous. He thinks society is so enraptured with its own self that it is losing its identity - but the guy should seriously just get over himself."
Person 2: "Dude, you're such a metacynic."
by MadJoy March 29, 2006
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A term of endearment, but better - like a REALLY TIGHT hug, but full of warm sparkly feelings that have a luminous presence. Similar to huggles, fluffles, and squishies, all rolled into one! Works especially well online, when you have only text to represent your actions.
Mad: Oh, Gijs, you're so wonderful!!
*Mad huggleflufflesquishies Gijs!*
by MadJoy August 7, 2006
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