1 definition by METSMOTHERFUCKER

the new york mets are in 2006 one of the best teams in baseball the best in the sucky NL . But so is the other new york team the new york yankees. the difencie is the yanks buy good players while the mets actually have skill. But so do the yanks just that there rich pricks who cn only be good if they buy there players. THE METS ARE MORE HOOD AND GHETTO THEN THE YANKEES SO PEOPLE FROM THE HOOD STOP WHEREING THE FUCKING YANKEE HATS. ok this is why the mets are more ghetto ganster and hood then the yanks the come from haven nutin(no good players one year ) just like people from the hood but then the mets wrok hard save money and get out of it to win it all.
METS-are hood
YANKEES- rich pricks who buy everything to make every one eles suck so they can call themselves good
by METSMOTHERFUCKER August 31, 2006
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