2 definitions by LullabiiSkies

Noun- Guttersnipe this deseptive creature is skilled in the art of contouring, a female age 15-48 who's life moto is: girlfriends are like goalies they get in the way but don't stop you from scoring. If older then 30 the Guttersnipe will present herself younger then her actual age dressing more provocatively then the younger Guttersnipe make no mistake the younger Guttersnipe clothing choice still presents as a classless whore however more then one Guttersnipe in a bar will result in table dancing, body shots and wet T-shirt contests where they will flock to like moths to a flame. They will also degrade themselves for a free drink. Beware of the Guttersnipe she is no doubt infected with an STD or six. *Disclaimer* the girl you go to bed with will NOT be the girl you wake up to. Unwanted one night stand procreation will result in eighteen years of baby mama drama Facebook rants, shared/ tagged posts about deadbeat dads, including fights With everyone(female) she perceives is messing with "her man" even though a relationship was never considered hence the term "one night stand"
Holy shit dude that girl you went home with last night was 💯 a Guttersnipe, I hope you wrapped it.
by LullabiiSkies January 22, 2020
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Noun- Is the combination of the word twat-a person regarded as stupid or obnoxious/a woman's genitals. and waffle- grid- patterned pancake-like food that's tasty with syrup.
Twatwaffle- is a girl with no self-respect, low standards, no goals, If and when this degenerate is in a relationship a few shots makes her forget all about her "boyfriend" and whoever buys her the most drinks is taking her home. Unfortunately you will find upon encountering a twatwaffle that her downstairs is spoiled and feels/tastes like a soggy waffle left in the Arizona summer for two weeks. Remember kidies some things are forever such as herpies.
"Damn bro check out that hottie", "who oh oh nah bro that girl is a straight up Twatwaffle, abort mission"
by LullabiiSkies January 22, 2020
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