50 definitions by Luddz
by Luddz May 24, 2015
by Luddz February 1, 2015
by Luddz January 31, 2015
by Luddz January 29, 2015
She knew that her heart would thutter when she saw Blaine walk up the spiral staircase. That is when she would slowly step down in her slow, practiced pace.
by Luddz June 14, 2015
The qualities associated with towns rather than with the country or the city, and towniness is a noun that implies these qualities.
by Luddz June 21, 2015
If you are in a room with no windows or other direct sources of light, and if light enters from an adjoining lighted room, the indirect illumination is borrowed light.
We worked in the library and had only the borrowed light from the adjacent room to work with that night.
by Luddz July 1, 2015