90 definitions by Louis

when a Kung-fu dude smashes into 10 planks with his bear hands, he makes this sound
Jet lee, chops a guys head off.... Ka-Kaa
by Louis February 18, 2005
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Someone who is new and thinks that they know much about a subject (when it is evident they know little). Usually associated with IRC/asl.
You are such a clueless newbie.
by Louis October 23, 2001
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1. Very drunk. (see also fadedpissedrootedcomatoseparaleticspastic)
Person 1:Hey, how was your weekend?
Person 2:Brilliant! I got screwed friday night.
by Louis October 18, 2001
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Female genetals.
Also see AliG Poontang pussy.
You getting any punani?
by Louis October 18, 2001
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to rub your genitals on someone vigourasly
yo dog, I smooched your mumma's face last night and she was like "oh thats good smooching"
by Louis April 26, 2005
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1. This is my mate Eddie.
2. This is my mate Eddie.
by Louis October 19, 2001
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