4 definitions by Lorenna2011

The website i search on at 2:AM. Its 2am when im writing this btw
did you see the definition of "your mum" on the urbandictionary.com? -

Uhhh DUH!!!

by Lorenna2011 April 17, 2022
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A karen. All they do all day is stand there and tell kids from age 4-16 to shut up and listen
my teacher doesn't let me talk to my mate even though we're talking about the game we played last night. That teacher doesn't understand that its better than lessons 😒😒😒
by Lorenna2011 April 17, 2022
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The cringe guy who should at the camera telling you to buy his merch and subscribe or his girlfriend and parents die.

And the bald guy who says beans and burgers is his stepdad 😐
Morgz has copied mr bea-

Because he is a beast
by Lorenna2011 April 17, 2022
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What fortnite kids say when you are LITERALLY THE WORST AT FORTNITE.
im cracked! Ur so dog water you keep dying
by Lorenna2011 April 17, 2022
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