9 definitions by LittleLamb777

A place on the internet where one defines truthfulness, honesty, and anything real with a sense of falseness.
He typed up the name David on the Urban Dictionary and because hes not him he gets everyone to believe that they are to increase his chances of God changing God's mind in who was chosen as the real David.
by LittleLamb777 February 26, 2019
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A group of people who choose to fornicate in a public bathroom. Usually some kind of drug is involved. This group of people tend to gravitate towards handicapped stalls where there is plenty of room for them to roll around. It tends to always violate the civil Rights of the poor,lonely, urinating guy that uses the restroom for it's intended purpose. These Hogs are very clever in the art of deception. They tend to be found at live concerts in places like the CBC club. They snort Hogwash to thier friends about people they don't like. Giving the poor vicitm no chance at meeting new friends.

Used in a sentence:. Could you throw some Hogwash on these Hogs Hoggin it up in the Hogstall?
Hogs, Hoggin it up in the Hog Stall is defined as two rude, gross individuals who have a questionable amount of

civil class.
by LittleLamb777 June 1, 2018
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When someone takes something of worth from you and gives you back a bag filled with little pieces of paper that read " Sorry".
I took my Bag o Sorrys to the car dealership man to buy a new car, and he said they have no value! He also said they are a currency from insane people.
by LittleLamb777 June 2, 2018
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When someone anonymously sends you a bag of gummy dicks. You inject streptococcus into them and return to sender.
by LittleLamb777 June 2, 2018
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A perverted, over_rated, disturbing picture that an ethically challenged teenager tries to portray with the use of lack of accurate punctuation, inconsistant run on sentences, and starting sentences with lower case letters. Someone who clearly has failed 8th grade English Composition.
He's so pervated, he had no choice but to purchase his research papers.
by LittleLamb777 June 2, 2018
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Basically it's a woman who is so spiteful she ruins people's lives with slander and derogatory comments that leave a negative impression on anyone around her. She's the type of woman who hides in anonimity, anomosity, and adultry.

She gets all up on people's business and is very secretive about her own. She loves to be around other guys who are dickbags injecteded with strepto. She never has anything nice to say. She goes out of her way to sabbatoge people's jobs to make a person appear sad and pathetic. Names synonymous to this are Amy, Amanda, and Allison or Stacy,Lacy, Tracy.
used in a sentence
What a Scarlet Letter to the Power of Three!
Definition: Scarlet Letter Cubed: Adjetive Meaning a very spiteful, decietful, ill willed individual.
by LittleLamb777 May 31, 2018
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A kind of out of place guy or woman who randomly shows up in your life to watch your problems unfold. Enjoys spending time watching problems of people in Divorce Court. May also be found taking notes outside of local pharmacies all the while, shielding thier face with the newspaper. Typically portrays a person who has outstayed thier welcome in another person's home or property, and refuses to leave.

Synonymous to a camper who pops up on you while you're in a very remote location.
That woman who ran for office recently seemed to be a Pop up Camper. She just wouldn't leave.
by LittleLamb777 June 2, 2018
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