10 definitions by Lesbrarian

Latin abbreviation for the literal translation of "and shit", specifically, "et merda". Just like "etc." (and so forth), "i.e." (that is), and "e.g." (for example), "etm." can be used to abbreviate "and shit".
At the farmer's market I got tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, etm.

I was just taking care of bills etm. before he came over.
by Lesbrarian April 7, 2010
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A portmanteau of librarian and lesbian signifying a librarian who is also a lesbian.
A group of lesbrarians shushed the crowd at the Vancouver Dyke March.

How could you not know she was a lesbrarian - she works in the women's studies department!
by Lesbrarian September 25, 2009
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What your iPhone thinks you typed when you were really upset about something.
Friend: My GF just broke up with me with a text
Me: duck that shot bro
by Lesbrarian February 27, 2016
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A douchebag who is also bad-mannered.
Did you see that gauchebag from the law school picking his fingernails with his fork?
by Lesbrarian November 4, 2010
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A portmanteau of Brexit and extension. Refers to a repeated request to delay a deadline, typically at the last possible moment.
I'm so late I had to ask for a Brextension on my paper the day before it was due.

The I.R.S. should have at least asked for a Brextension on providing Trump's tax returns.
by Lesbrarian April 11, 2019
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To be super late for something because you're taking your sweet time finishing something that only matters to you—and you know that everyone else in the group is waiting on you.
"My boss nevadas every staff meeting, I'll be home late."

"Don't invite Sheila, she'll nevada on us and we won't get to the party until 11."
by Lesbrarian November 6, 2020
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A portmanteau of lesbian and library; possibly a back-formation from lesbrarian. A library focused on lesbian or women's studies.
I went to the Schlesinger Lesbrary at Radcliffe to look at some of Gertrude Stein's letters.

Dude, if you want to meet chicks, don't go to that lesbrary...
by Lesbrarian September 27, 2009
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