17 definitions by Lara

Jubilation Lee, one of the X-Men. Mutant. also called Jubes, or firecracker. she has the power to explode matter at a subatomic level, generating bursts of plasma. She used to be Wolverine´s sidekick, she was for a while in the Generation X team, now, after dying, she came back to the X-Men.
Jubes was the coolest mutant of all the GenX kids
by Lara February 20, 2004
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Cryptopsy is simpy an autopsy of a crypt. Originated in Egypt during the reign of King Tutenknahmen (or Tut, as his homies called him), he ordered his peons to autopsy all the crypts in the area to get his country out of debt. It's just a nice way to say theft.
I just cryptopsied that car....
by Lara October 22, 2003
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Past tense of thwap...thwap being a sound produced when the back of the hand makes contact with the chest/stomach area of a fully clothed person (when the thwapee is nude, it really rends to be more of a thmak) It describes a person who has just recieved a thwap.
Hey, I've just been thwapt by that random man on the metro...
by Lara October 22, 2003
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