6 definitions by L-Dub Elie

Apathetic Immunodeficiency to Testing Syndrome

Testing overexposure has left millions of young Americans incapable of knowing how to care more about any one particular test over another. A pop-quiz has nearly as much value to them as the SAT exam, thusly they have become completely deficient with regard giving a shit about tests. This syndrome has no known cure and, although not known to yet be a detriment to one's life, it certainly has shown no signs of reducing its spread, as it is anticipated to become the latest educational epidemic.
Mom, I'm not going to fucking school today - I got AITS last week and I have more important shit to do than worry about my SAT Prep Class.
by L-Dub Elie March 8, 2015
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A tantrum like behavior, usually exhibited by adolescent males, where a person will literally or figuratively roll around on the floor in a whiney & depressive manner. Floor rolling is most commonly practiced in the hopes of gaining sympathy and attention as a victim of some exaggerated personal tragedy that, relative to the rest of humanity, is miniscule.
Kanye was such a floor roller at the VMAs when Taylor Swift won that award, it wasn't about about him. Nobody gives a shit about his feelings anymore, he's been a constant floor roller for years since that tantrum on MTV.
by L-Dub Elie March 12, 2018
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The extreme emotional let-down experienced when one has high expectations for a meal, and the meal turns out to be bad.
Sally: What's wrong?

Susie: I got a bad case of meal disappointment. I worked through lunch, and was starving after work so I stopped for Chinese food on the way home. It smelled so good in the car, but when I took a bite it was too salty. I was hungry so I ate it anyways, but I can't shake the meal disappointment.

Sally: That sucks.
by L-Dub Elie March 17, 2009
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The relative rating between a person's likely years left before dying and their annual income or networth.
My nana is dating again and she's getting pretty serious with this guy Sol. The nursing home gave him an 'A' rating for his Death to Income Ratio.
by L-Dub Elie April 12, 2017
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Video game induced stupor developed after playing obsessively for hours on end.
We spent so long trying to beat that level last night that I ended up with pixel delerium. I could hardly focus on the road driving home afterwards.
by L-Dub Elie March 4, 2009
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A person who, in an attempt to be righteous, cannot hold a regular conversation due to his or her undying need to argue the semantics of the second person's speech
(Victoria is the semantophile in the following conversation)

Elie: I can't stand when people argue semantics.

Victoria: But if by "argue" you mean they take a stand against what might be a culturally accepted term for you, then technically you're not looking at their point of view.

Elie: But you're missing the point...

Victoria: If "the point" is open to interpretation then one can never so-called "miss" it.

Elie: Oh god...
by L-Dub Elie March 6, 2009
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