15 definitions by Kugeln

Revolver Ocelot
Revolver Ocelot: Revolver Ocelot
by Kugeln March 3, 2019
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Noun: A feeling of disgust and constipation combined into one. Usually felt by people in the navy
I feel so sick of this shit, I think I might have disgustipation.
by Kugeln December 22, 2018
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Noun. Another term for semen. If Number One is urine and Number Two is feces, then Number Three must be semen.
Bob: Looks I just did a number three in my pants. Should have used a cumsock or jerked off it in the toilet.
by Kugeln May 6, 2020
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Noun; It's like a school in America, except there's less shootings and better funding.
Bob: Hey, at least an American Prison is not like the schools here, amirite?
by Kugeln March 11, 2019
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A reason why TikTok should have never been created. It involves people trying to pee their pants in front of a camera. No, seriously. It's a real challenge. Google it.
What are you waiting for? Google "Pee your Pants Challenge" for clarification!
by Kugeln May 6, 2020
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Verb; When a character (real or fake) does something that causes a mass extinction event of most or all other characters. The original comes from Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in which the main antagonist, Thanos, snaps his fingers whilst wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, resulting in half of all the universe's life dies.
Alice: Bob, I don't feel so good. * Turns into dust, dying in the process*
Bob: Oh, god! Joe must have been pulling a Thanos!
by Kugeln April 26, 2019
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A French term referring to the northern half of the Republic of Chad. Nobody knows what it actually stands for.
WTF Paradox where did you get B. E. T. from?
by Kugeln March 1, 2019
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