4 definitions by KrispiKreme

1. A doughnut, stuffed with an assortment of cremes, jellies, etc.

2. A large woman, stuffed with semen. Usually, in every crevice or orifice of said woman's body.
After James had rode the waves in, he then ate a stuffed doughnut.
by KrispiKreme March 2, 2015
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A doughnut, glazed in semen. Often preferred to be male semen.
Adam: Oh, man! James just ate that semen-doughnut!
by KrispiKreme March 2, 2015
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1. A mechanism used for stuffing doughnuts with fillings, such as creme, jelly, etc.

2. Performing intense anal sex with a large woman, often resulting in a stuffed doughnut.
James: Oh, good. Miguel is a doughnut stuffer.
Adam: He needs Jesus.
by KrispiKreme March 2, 2015
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When one is fixing to ejaculate and sprints toward an individual and delivers a large amount of semen onto them. Often times while screaming the phrase, "America!". Can also be referred to as a Strafing Run, or The Screaming Eagle.
Adam delivered the woman freedom with his use of the Penile Apache. Believed to be his final form.
by KrispiKreme March 2, 2015
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