5 definitions by Kopernikus

A name for the Democratic Party which is the preferred political party for those who habitually rely on food stamps or EBT cards to get their food.
The food stamp party is is conducting a registration drive at the projects to win back the Congress this November.
by Kopernikus October 8, 2010
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The enormous budget of the Pentagram in DC. It is used to put troops in 120 nations in 700 bases. It is justified with continuous scare tactics of bin Boogeyman and underwear bombers.
The Repukes want to cut government spending but refuse to cut Offense spending.
by Kopernikus November 7, 2010
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This is the VHS tape that was miraculously found by US troops in Afghanistan which contained an alleged confession by Osama bin Laden to be the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. He previously denied involvement so it was fortuitous that this tape was found in a country the size of Texas. The man in the video tape does not really look like bin Laden but the media has failed to point this out.
Bush's case against al Quaeda was shaky until they found the magic video tape.
by Kopernikus August 5, 2010
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A mythical creature, a creation of the neocon war party and its lapdog media, which appears on grainy videos every few months to frighten the public into submission to their neocon overlords and into support of illegal wars in the Middle East.
Oh, look! Bin Boogeyman is threatening more attacks against innocent civilians. I need to get more plastic flags to fly from my SUV to show support for this never ending war.
by Kopernikus August 6, 2010
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An illegal immigrant to the USA is recruited into the military to go fight and die for an illegal war in the Middle East.
Bush never meant to enforce immigration laws since he needed more Green Card Janissaries for cannon fodder.
by Kopernikus August 2, 2010
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